Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Our first Garden

We are very excited to have our first garden! We planted tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, cantalope, and watermelon. Hopefully, they survive us!

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Kevin and Natali McKee said...

Yay! Posts. I love seeing new family updates. Did Maria do one of the posts? Levi does have a lot of hair. I can't believe how old he is now, the time seems to have gone by so fast. That is awesome you have a garden now! I bet you guys will be great at it. So far I have killed everything I have ever had. I love the pictures!

massive said...

Cool garden!

Anonymous said...

We thought about doing one this year...but I really dont think I will be good at it. But it looks like you guys are pros. =)

sXenerd said...

Yay finally new posts. That's so cute. Your boys are going to turn out like you Dave. They are all ready crazy like you are : )
Sorry I couldn't come up there. I really wish I could have. Keep on postin ; )