Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Krazy Kids

Life with kids is always a little crazy. After taking a shower I went outside to see what the boys were up to and I found them riding their bikes with their ties on, hats on, and Aden even had his boots on. What a combination! My best stories almost always involve our boys.

Since their toys are now downstairs and they prefer to be around Mom, they have made the kitchen tools their favorite toys. I find spatulas, whisks, and butter knives all over the house. In fact, I hurt my foot when I stepped on one in the dark last night.

Sometimes I exercise before David leaves for work in the morning. When David isn't ready to wake up (and the kids aren't yelling at him and climbing on him) I find all the boys laying in our bed together.
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massive said...

They are the cutest boys.

K said...

Ha ha ha---SO CUTE! I love the pictures!! It's so fun to see that you guys are updating the blog! I get Aden, Corvin and Levi cravings...this mostly satisfies it. =)

Micah said...

Wait Maria is blogging?! Hot dang!